Friday, March 7

The Uses of a Manure Separator on a Farm: A Guide

Managing manure on a farm is not a simple process. Even if the farm has a few cows, the farmers must handle a lot of manure, and solid-liquid separation of the manure helps to manage it and prevents the farm from becoming messy. A manure separator equipment separates the organic and inorganic solids from the manure. It is an excellent investment for the farm, and farmers need to pay only for the electricity and maintenance. As such, if you want to avail yourself of the equipment at a discounted price or wish to set up an outlet for this equipment, you can contact a manure separation equipment wholesaler. Nevertheless, all farms need manure separator equipment to manage the solid and liquid fractions of the manure strategically with greater efficiency. Meanwhile, the solid part is used as a fertilizer because it has all the nutrients the crop needs.

Manure must be managed correctly on the farm to avoid environmental impacts. Fresh manure is an excellent fertilizer, but it isn’t easy to transport it even to short distances because the water content in fresh manure is 80 – 90%. And a screw press separator separates solids and liquids in the manure. As a result, the water in the manure is reduced to 25 – 40%. And the manure separator is reliable and highly efficient equipment that separates the liquid from the manure before fermentation.

Manure is a mixture of water, organic compounds, and minerals and is mainly found in the form of solid, semi-solid, liquid, or slurry. Meanwhile, all the minerals present are not soluble in water; some settle in the bottom or float on the top in the storage tanks. When the water content in the manure is high, the solids and liquids have a greater tendency to separate. And after being processed through a manure separator machine, the liquids obtained are a source of nitrogen fertilizer, and solids are a source of phosphorus fertilizer. Likewise, the solids have less moisture content and more nutrient concentration, which becomes a good fertilizer.

What Is a Screw Press Separator?

In a screw press separator, a screw press builds up pressure inside the strainer basket containing the manure. As such, the liquid in the manure is pushed out through a drainage hose connected to the separator. A high percentage of dry solid matter is obtained through this press, and it contains a high amount of phosphates and is used as solid manure. The moisture level of the dewatered manure is adjusted and set to the desired value. Moreover, the separator is easy to operate and has good working efficiency.

Benefits of Using a Manure Separator Equipment

  • Increases the storage capacity
  • Reduces solid waste
  • Generates green or compost bedding
  • Reduces sedimentation

Manure is a valuable and sustainable resource on a farm. However, it must be managed well to improve profits and operational efficiency. Manure’s flexibility is enhanced when the solids and liquids are managed independently.

Plants need phosphorus and nitrogen in the manure to grow well, and farmers save money by using the manure as a fertilizer. Besides, compared to modern fertilizers, manure is environment-friendly, reducing nitrogen leaching in the soil and increasing the soil carbon level. The organic carbon in the manure is the energy source for the microbial environment in the ground.

So, farmers can convert the manure into fertilizer by purchasing the equipment from a manure separation equipment wholesaler. Manure has all the nutrients needed for a plant to thrive and give a good yield. As such, farmers can make the best use of manure on their farms using the correct equipment.