Sunday, February 23

Make Your Air Conditioner Units More Efficient at Consuming Electricity

As we humans need to follow a good diet, an exercise routine, and regular sleep to maintain our health and function more effectively, even the appliances we use at our home need attention and maintenance at regular intervals to be able to operate efficiently without giving our pockets additional burdens.

We install air conditioners so that we can sleep better on extremely hot summer days that people in many tropical countries are exposed to. However, after a while, they start consuming so much electricity that it becomes a huge liability to be able to use the aircon unit for the entire night. This reduced efficiency of the air conditioners is dependent on many factors that can be easily addressed to make it more efficient in its consumption of electricity. 

For the best air conditioning service in Singapore, you can contact 7 Days Aircon Servicing for their reliable team of experts who are available all through the day and even for your emergency needs if your air conditioner system fails at night. Apart from regular servicing, their team is an expert in identifying problems with any aircon unit at the early stages and offers cost-effective solutions to resolving those issues. 

5 Ways to increase the efficiency of air conditioners

The following tips can help you enjoy the cooler temperatures provided by your aircon units and yet not worry about the ever-increasing electricity bills:

Choose the right size of the unit for your room:

  • Depending upon the size of the room, you should choose the size of the aircon unit. 
  • A larger unit experiences frequent shutdowns which increase its energy consumption.
  • A smaller unit becomes overworked and not just it will consume more energy but will also experience the frequent need for repairs. 

The star rating matters:

  • Although the initial cost increases when the star rating for a unit is higher (greater than 5), the overall cost of running such units is much lower. 
  • Higher star rating units are, therefore, more cost-effective in the long run. 

Use a VSD based air conditioner unit:

  • VSD changes the speed at which the compressor runs based on the requirement and time it needs to change the indoor temperature. 

Install a ceiling fan in your room:

  • With a constantly running ceiling fan, you do not need a lower set in the thermostat of the air conditioner all the time. 
  • When you switch the aircon unit initially, switch off the ceiling fan and let it arrive at the temperature setting faster. 
  • Once the desired temperature is achieved, let the ceiling fan rotate the cool air even if the temperature settings of the AC are higher. 

Invest in regular servicing of your air conditioners:

  • This is a big mistake that most people do. 
  • Not giving our air conditioners regular service can affect the functionality of the units. 
  • Unclean air filters and overworked compressors consume more electricity than usual. 

A good maintenance routine can aid our air conditioners in operating more efficiently and for a longer period. Sometimes a chemical wash can get it back to its functionality. Identifying the signs of damage early can also prevent costly repairs and even reduce the electricity waste that might be happening due to certain leaks in the aircon unit. LK Brothers ( offers various aircon maintenance services such as aircon chemical wash and aircon troubleshooting. Check them out today.