Sunday, March 9


3 Techniques to Foil Malware Attacks

3 Techniques to Foil Malware Attacks

Every person on the web should know that every device on the internet is a potential customer for hackers. If the cybersecurity washington dc of a device is basic, then it’s a low hanging fruit that every hacker will try to pluck. In other words, online security techniques are the only ways in which you can protect  your devices; hence, your assets. In lapse of proper cyber hygiene, hackers launch malware attacks. The most common and one of the most lethal malware is ransomware. Hackers using the phishing technique to fool web users into clicking on a malicious link that consists of ransomware. As soon as this malware is installed, the users are locked out of their systems. The hackers encrypt all the information in the system and ask for a ransom in exchange of decrypting it and giving...