Saturday, February 22

Backlink Management Is Crucial During SEO Audit

Backlink building is crucial for SEO performance. It is one of the top-ranking factors that Google bots use to rank a website. The right link-building strategy can carry your online visibility to the top level. Backlink building and management for long-term success needs a robust strategy.

Backlink management and its importance

It is a way that helps to organize and monitor your backlinks with special tools. It is necessary to have a holistic approach to link profile management. Authoritative content helps in ranking for relevant keywords. In the same way, backlinks assure search bots about page authority.

Linkascope is a backlinks monitoring services that uses specially designed tools to build and manage external link portfolios. Backlink management is crucial because the inbound links come from another site. They are regarded as popularity votes by Google. It means search engines place massive values on inbound links. So backlink management is crucial during SEO audit.

Building a healthy backlink profile including authoritative sources needs regular backlink audits. There are spammy sites and it is normal for them to find and link to your website. Google evaluates domain linking to yours during ranking, so you need to monitor the link sources that connect with you. Are they reputable or not?

Google hits hard on links anticipated to manipulate site or PageRank in SERPs. If your site has spammy, low-quality, or unnatural links then you are at risk of getting penalized by Google. So, it is essential to clean backlink profiles via regular backlink audits to enhance SEO performance. Hire BusyFox, a reliable link building agency that uses white hat SEO strategies to improve their client’s ranking and traffic.

Tips to perform a backlink audit

  • There are backlink audit tools available. You can choose free programs for regular audits but takes a little more effort.
  • Using the tool, you need to list every backlink along with its source.
  • Analyze each backlink on the list for referring domain, anchor text, and domain authority.
  • Domain authority allows identifying the backlink quality. A high DA score is equal to better backlink quality. Sometimes, low DA does not mean poor backlink quality as it can lead to achieving more reputable links.
  • Not every potentially toxic site. For first-time audits, you will find some but after establishing a regular backlink audit the toxic links will be easy to handle.
  • Divide the toxic site list into two – low-quality links and spammy links. The former differs from spammy because they are legitimate but affect the health of your backlink profile. Alternatively, spammy sites are full of garbage and you need to take action instantly.
  • Ask spammy link owners to remove the link placed on their webpage, which is connected to your specific page. Keep track of their response. If they don’t remove then you will disavow these websites.
  • Google ignores indexing pages that are disavowed. However, ensure that the site is spammy.

During backlink audits, make a list of authoritative websites linking to your site. Reach out to the owners of these sites and introduce yourself. What is SEO? What is backlink building strategy? What’s SEO and backlink audit? Learn the basics because they help you to keep a check on the professionals you are connected to on Bleen, an online directory to handle your digital marketing project.