Friday, March 7

Day: February 9, 2023

Why Shemale Escorts Have Big Cocks

One of the most often asked topics that people ask about shemales on Google is why trannies have huge cocks. It's a fascinating question. It's true that some transsexuals have enormous cocks. Is there something unique about shemale anatomy that causes their penises to be so large, or do shemales use a specific technique to extend their dicks? The opinion is Based On Porn Have you visited shemales-populated nations and had sexy pleasure with different shemales with massive dicks? Or is your point of view based on shemale porn, where the overwhelming of shemales have enormous cocks? Men's perceptions of shemales' enormous dicks are influenced mainly by porn. Many pornstars indeed have giant cocks. However, the premise of your question is incorrect because you do not know the ratio of sh...