Sunday, March 9

Day: January 13, 2022

Air Cooling Options in Open Places

Air Cooling Options in Open Places

  When it comes to cooling an open space, especially in summer, things can get tricky. Depending on the nature of the location, choice, and budget, one can access some cooling options like electric fans, portable swamp cooler, air conditioners.  Which Air Cooling Choice to go for Every air-cooling device earlier mentioned has their benefits and flip sides. The choice of which air-cooling option to go for will be depending on certain factors such as the design of the open space, time of outing (a morning event would be less sunny when compared to a midday event), and the temperature of that day. For instance, cooling the air with an electric fan can only have an effect if used in a semi-open space with a limited number of people, say between two to five persons. The same go...